Jackie O Henderson Life and Career In Photos: How a chance phone call led to a $200 million payout

Though they never revealed official wedding pictures, Jackie O and Lee Henderson did decide to celebrate big with her and Kyle’s radio stunt, the Big Fat Gypsy Wedding in 2012.

The event featured an entrance in a horse drawn pumpkin carriage, a tumble down the aisle, and some vows scripted by colleagues.

Lee Henderson swore to Jackie O, “I, Lee, once again promise to take you, Jackie, to be my wife no matter what size you are.

“No matter how bad your fake tan gets and no matter how bad it makes you smell and despite the damage it does to our sheets. I will love you.'”

In return, Jackie O responded, “I will accept you are our kiddy’s favourite parent and that you will always be smarter than me.

“Even though this is my third time at the alter, I once again promise to forsake others even women for as long as we both shall live.”

The two then exchanges huge pink rings before “kissing and grinding” on each other in front of the crowd.

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